Myra says hi
Triumph: Jesse Owens & The Berlin Olympics
Assist. Editor & Motion Designer Role
2024 Year
Official trailer

Cinemation Studios reached out to me to jump on this film that had a fast turnaround. The team was around ten, and we worked remotely across the US. The film clocks-in at 120 minutes and features eight interviews, cel animation, and a narration by Don Cheadle. Everyone's experience made working on this project seamless, and I was proud that given the timeline and amount of archival, we never encountered any major setbacks. 


As the Assistant Editor, I stuck with a familiar documentary workflow – transcode in DaVinci Resolve and ingest into Avid Media Encoder. I then used After Effects and Photoshop to animate the newspapers and parallax photo treatments. Being remote and working in a Mac/PC environment meant there was a lot file sharing. Dealing with thousdands of archival clips and hundreds of animated clips, I'm grateful I kept up with a proper folder structure 📂 and file naming procedure!


One of the asks from History Channel, was to fill the letterboxing with some sort of treatment. We decided to create a celluloid film strip and VHS artifacts that was used over its respective archival footage. These needed to be subtle and not overpowering since it would be used throughout the entire film.


Triumph: Jesse Owens and The Berlin Olympics premiered June 19, 2024. As of writing this, you can stream it on